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It is your right and responsibility to assure the accuracy of the items on your credit reports. If the information recorded on your credit reports does not accurately represent your behavior as a consumer, then you have the right to request that questionable information be removed from your reports. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) and Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA) afford you the legal right to dispute inaccurate items on your credit reports with the credit bureaus and your individual creditors.

Negative items may reappear on your credit report if a creditor verifies them after deletion. The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires credit bureaus to notify you before re-reporting a previously deleted item, although such instances are rare.

The impact of a charge-off may persist on your credit report for a maximum of seven years from the initial late payment that triggered the default.

Expedited Credit Repair will review your credit reports and identifying potential credit inquiries that we can assist in removing.

Negative items may reappear on your credit report if a creditor verifies them after deletion. The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires credit bureaus to notify you before re-reporting a previously deleted item, although such instances are rare.

The impact of a charge-off may persist on your credit report for a maximum of seven years from the initial late payment that triggered the default.

Expedited Credit Repair will review your credit reports and identifying potential credit inquiries that we can assist in removing.

Access your online account anytime to track the latest progress, including a timeline, progress report, and credit analysis view.

It is every individual’s duty to monitor and safeguard their credit. The Fair Credit Reporting Act, a set of government laws, is designed to assist you. Expedited Credit Repair intervenes to provide professional support from experts who navigate the credit bureaus and these laws regularly.

Based on our experience, this isn’t the typical process. Credit bureaus and creditors deal with millions of disputes monthly, so when we address an item on your credit, we anticipate a response. Each challenge is tailored to your unique credit situation.

Certainly, you can, but it’s essential to note that seeking new credit will result in additional inquiries on your credit report, affecting your credit score.

Absolutely, you have the responsibility to safeguard your credit during our work on your history. Introducing new damage to your credit report will counteract our efforts.

Consistently paying your monthly dues for revolving or installment accounts contributes to building your credit history.

Bankruptcy may linger on your credit report for a maximum of 10 years, as specified by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) detailing the reporting constraints for bankruptcies.

Expedited Credit Repair can assist you in discerning what belongs on your credit report and provide strategies to potentially eliminate inaccurately reported late payments.

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